Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You were once wild. Don't let them tame you.

I originally put all these photographs up on Facebook, however it basically squashed the quality out of them, so instead I decided to post the majority of these photographs up on my blog. That way, I also get to write about them! I think this may become my new habit.

Basically, this photo shoot was the brainchild of a very late night in waffle house. My friend Allyson was in town on spring break that week, and I wanted to do a fun shoot with her. The question was, what to do? We tossed around a lot of different ideas, but none of them seemed to quite fit her personality, and I really wanted to try to capture that. I wanted her to love the shoot, and feel like it was "her". She's feminine, always wearing pretty dresses, and she's a big fan of cool makeup and all things pink. However, she has an adventurous side that's not afraid to get dirty, climb trees, and all that good stuff - all the while probably wearing that pretty sundress. That awesome contrast makes her the warrior princess she is, and the idea of capturing that in the most fun and glamorous way possible is ultimately what inspired this shoot. It's fierce, feminine, and a little wild, and it was just what Allyson wanted to do. She was really excited about it, and so was I.

So, the next morning, we woke up ridiculously early (as in before the sun was anywhere close to rising), met at my place to do makeup and hair, and set out into the woods just around Abita Springs.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I loved every second of this photo shoot - planning it, exploring, posing, and (of course) seeing your amazing work. I was telling Kori that this photoshoot is one of the times I have felt most like myself. Thanks for working so hard to pick a theme that was "me"... I felt totally comfortable the entire shoot, and looking at the pictures, I can see that in every frame. I always love looking at your projects, and I was so excited to be a part of this one. :) :) :)

