A few days ago, I wasn't sure what to take a picture of for my 365, so I decided to go grab my adorable niece and nephew for an impromptu photo session. :) They're the best little subjects ever, and I can always depend on them to model for me! Mostly I just let them play and took pictures as they did their thing. Cecilia, however, was in full-on glam mode, and kept hamming it up for the camera in all this ridiculously cute poses.

Jacob's also an awesome model. He loves helping me out with my projects. :) He has one of the most joyful, fun loving personalities I've ever seen, and an obsessive need to throw up gang signs or make silly faces in every single photo he's in.
However, if necessary, he can compose himself and give me serious poses.
But it's not long before he's back to being a boy and getting into trouble. He had a mishap on the swing doing some kind of "move", and almost broke his arm.
But he's tough. A simple flesh wound doesn't stop THIS guy.
The kiddos with their Dad. :)
And I managed to snag a photo with them, too!